Shawgonniah Whittington
$ 2,804
Capital Plus Financial, LLC
Rebecca Loveless
$ 2,447
First Farmers and Merchants Bank
Bridgette Tweed
$ 2,445
Farmers State Bank of Alto Pass, Illinois
Lucy Mcewen Dba Lilly Jane
$ 2,287
First Farmers and Merchants Bank
Tearia Hatton
$ 2,271
Harvest Small Business Finance, LLC
Tearia Hatton
$ 2,271
Harvest Small Business Finance, LLC
Jillian Beth Acbuchon - Vipkid
$ 2,200
OakStar Bank
The Columbia Arts Building
$ 2,168
Square Capital, LLC
Tammy Body Dba Tammy Body
$ 2,155
First Farmers and Merchants Bank