Search PPP Loan List in FLORENCE, Arizona

Small Business Administration (SBA) released a list of all the businesses their loan amount with Bank and business details.\

Business Name
African Beauty
$ 2,697
Customers Bank
Jared Walter
$ 2,600
Zions Bank, A Division of
Carlos Urresti
$ 2,553
Benworth Capital
Pingshen Zhang Hong Kong Restaurant
$ 2,500
Bank of America, National Association
Juan Urresti
$ 2,227
Benworth Capital
Flyboyz Snowballz
$ 2,142
Cross River Bank
Lnr Transport, Llc
$ 2,125
Bank of America, National Association
Faith Opsal
$ 2,078
Square Capital, LLC
Ricky Todd
$ 2,075
Cross River Bank
Corinne Lemons
$ 1,560
JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association